Are you looking for a tool that will write good content for you? I have good news for you; WriteSonic is the product you need. As a blogger, I know how hard it is to develop quality content topics that can drive traffic. You might spend hours researching, writing, then rewriting your post, trying to get a decent piece of blog out of it. I'm pleased to say that WriteSonic takes all these stresses away from you, making you concentrate more on the essential steps about content creation and letting AI handle the boring ones!

What is WriteSonic?

WriteSonic is an AI copywriting tool that, unlike many others, can write full-blown content for you. It generates high-quality blog posts, landing pages, google ads, Facebook ads, emails product descriptions, and other templates with over 5000 plus reviews.

The Dashboard:

Here we are inside WriteSonic; when you look at the dashboard, we can see all the available templates inside, from articles and Blogs to Digital Ads, Ecommerce Frameworks, social media, website, and writing.

In the bottom hand right corner, you have your help center, report issues, contact Support, etc. so you can always get them if you run into any problem:

Now all of these templates are cool, but honestly, we are only truly going to be reviewing the two main options, that is to say, AI Article writes 2.0 & Long Form Writing Assistant, as these two features contain everything in here. Also, if we check every single one of these templates, it will not be an enjoyable review.

AI Article Write 2.0:

When you look at the template, it says it's the best quality:

And it's a four-step simplified gpt-3 article writer that can write unique articles instantly. So, this writer uses four templates:

  • The AI Article Ideas template 
  • The AI article intro template 
  • The AI article outlines 
  • The AI Article Write 1.0 (old version of the writer)

It has got shortcuts for all the other templates as well:

And then breaking down the screen, you can see: 

  • Step 1 is about coming up with ideas 
  • Step 2 is generating an intro 
  • Step 3 is creating the outline
  • Step 4 is drafting your article 

So this is what I meant before when I said it writes the entire blog post for you, so let's go ahead and start typing in a topic "how to train a dog to sit":

Of course, you can also change the language if you are interested in writing an article/blog post in a different one.

Right under the language drop-down, you have tips that will open up Tips for better quality output:

Let's go ahead and generate an idea: We can see those five different ideas from "how to get your dog to sit on command," "how to train a dog to sit on command," "how to train dog nine easy ways to manage your pop" etc.

So, we will select as an example: "how to train your dog to set a step-by-step guide for success." As you can see, it has automatically populated the title with the proposed idea.

Below you can see what it comes up with:

We can see that it has generated these "intros." All you have to do is select the "intro" that suits you. The next step now is generating the outline, so again it automatically populates everything once you choose an "intro":

The next step is to generate the outlines. It is always good to create blog post outlines to have the subheadings make paragraphs of each outline which helps build and break up the blog, so it's not so tedious:

The final step, which, believe it or not, is pretty simple. We have not even needed to correct anything because the accuracy with it all is pretty top-notch:

As you can see now, we have generated the title the intro we have got the outline. The next step now is to go ahead and do the full article.

It only takes a couple of seconds, and it has generated this blog, and you can see what we have talked about before where each outline has been split, and then it has generated a paragraph underneath it :

 And as we scroll, go ahead have a read of it:

When we look at it, we do not see any real issues, and what is nice is that it has auto-added the heading tag to the titles, which means it's even optimized for SEO. 

Now you can use the typical customization bar here to add boldly or add links into it:

You can even download the article, but what I want to do is to check to see the plagiarism score using Grammarly. 

Plagiarism Check with Grammarly :

Let's paste the article and then check the plagiarism: 

We can notice that we have got a four percent plagiarism which is nothingness which means that it is unique content. It also means that Google should not have any issues with this article, and you will not be penalized or anything on those lines. If we have a look at the overall score, it scores an 83:

And let's have a quick look at all the spelling and what is not okay. So out of 1102 words, it has made a total of 54 spelling mistakes:

So, 54 corrections should not be a concern. 

Overall, though, that is a pretty good article; once you've finished the article, you have got two other choices; you can click the Save and store it in your saved area:

Or you can also download it in a word document which will look like this:

Next, let's have a look at the long-form writing assistant personally. I'm not a big fan of this side of this feature; I much prefer the feature that we were just in but let's have a play around it.

Long-Form Writing Assistant :

The Long-Form Writing Assistant is a template that will allow you to generate a long text by giving minimum input requirements.

Here is the template's overview:

We can see that they have mastered the simple side of things. There is nothing that can confuse us, we have the length, which is basically how long the inputs will be, and then you have got the creativity. So, the more creative it is, the more issues you might have due to it potentially trying to be too clever and join words together.

So let's keep it at about 0.6. 

The tool tells you to write a minimum of 50 words to train the AI. We are going first to type in a title "how to train a dog to sit":

And then we are just going to grab a short text from this website: and then we are going to paste :

Copy :

Paste :

Now let's see what it comes up with when you click on Write with AI:

So it has come up with this, and what it is doing is that it is breaking it down; so as you can see, step 1 get your dog's attention, step 2 place a treat in front of them and move behind them, etc. That is pretty cool, isn't it? 

Now what else you can do with this is if you highlight it, it will come up with this pop-up, and you can rephrase it, expand it or shorten it:

If you click on expand to the right, instead of adding it into the document, it opens up in a sidebar, and it shows you all of these variations:

When you select one, you can see that at the bottom of the screen, you have your specific customization and heading tags:

And then to continue writing, all you need to do is click "Write with AI" as you can see it's detecting what it's saying above and it's continuing the theme:

On the bottom right of your screen, you have the word count, so we've already written 401 words, and then again, you've got the download option there it will download the document for you:

Heading back to the dashboard of WriteSonic, we have two more features that I want to go through, which are the save tab & the history. 

The save tab will save all of your writings that you want to reuse by copying them to your clipboard and then pasting them wherever you want:

And then you've also got the history which will show you all of the records, and when it was last edited, where you can view or delete it, you can also search for it :

Conclusion: What do I think of WriteSonic?

I think this has made it into my top three AI copywriting tools. The step-by-step feature of whether it writes the blog post for you is what AI copywriting tools need, especially for content creators who are one-person bands and are just trying to churn out content. It did a fantastic job on the lack of plagiarism and the tech's quality. When it comes to AI writing tools, I usually say one should apply the 80/20 rule. The software should do 80% of the writing, and you should do 20%.

But from what we have experienced, it will be more on the lines of 95 % can be done by this tool and the further 5 % will be done by the human which, let's face it, time is money, and if the tool generates a good quality blog for you that fits your purpose, then you should definitely use it. So what are you waiting for ? Start right now for free.